Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Is abortion justifiable?

In todays society women of all child bearing age find themselves pregnant. Some are planned and some are not. Some decide to keep their babies and some do not. Most people that decide to terminate their pregancy are the ones that their contraception failed. Why not just take responsibility for your actions? Today people think that it is just easier to just get an abortion and then get on with their lives. Just because a woman gets pregnant at a time in her life where it seems to be easier without a child, does not make it justifiable to get an abortion. I can think of no reason to make it justifiable to get an abortion. There are other options available. So many people in the world try everything that they possibly can and to no avail still can not get pregnant. I think that it is so unfair for these people to try so hard and then there are people who decide to kill their baby just because they don't want them. I think that these people are so selfish and ungiving of themselves. There are ways to prevent pregnancy and if you are worried about getting pregnant do something about it.


  1. You make some good points, but what happens in the event of a rape that results in pregnancy? Do you think that the victim of this vicious crime should be forced to bear the child of the criminal that violated her rights? And what if a young girl is the victim of incest? Not only would she be forced to bear a child when she is still a child herself, but it is almost certain that the innocent child in the womb will have horrifying birth defects. The problem with illegalizing abortion is that there are special cases like these. If we made exceptions for certain cases, who gets to make the disctinction between cases that morally wrong and that are okay?

  2. Making an exception for rape cases would only cause women to lie about being raped for the sole purpose of having a legal abortion. In the event of rape, the guy who committed the crime should be punished, not an innocent, unborn child. I understand that the victim would have to bear the child but that doesn't mean she has to keep it. Let a family who is capable of loving and supporting the child adopt it. The baby is not at fault for what it's father did so why should it be the one who has to suffer?
